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What Everyone LOVES To Gab About

I am a bad salesperson. Left to my own devices, I would give away all of the education, exercises, and encouragement I have for free (you know this too well if you've ever tried to buy shoes from me at RunnersWorld Tulsa). You deserve to know how your body works best! Training and coaching are so fulfilling to me, from tear-filled sessions to not being able to sleep because I can't stop thinking about an athlete's running program--I love this stuff. 


All that said, I gotta get paid. I've decided on hourly and package rates after local (Tulsa) and national market research on personal trainers and coaches. As a change of subject, here's a pic of me running Waihe'e Ridge in Maui. 


happy dude

In-Person Sessions Are $60 Per Hour

Personal Training, Return from Injury, Sport-Specific Training, & Consultations are simply $60/hour.

Need something else? I offer targeted running analyses, run coaching, and ready-made training plans, too.

Meet The Team

"I feel so much more confident now to try new exercises and push myself to grow stronger. He has helped me live in the reality that exercise isn't a punishment for what I've eaten, but a celebration of what my body can do."

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